The bicycle ride „From Brussels to Istanbul and Cyprus“ is organized similarly to the previous „BaltiCCycle“ tours. Every day we cycle from 50 km to 90 km, once a week we have a rest day. We sleep usually in tents in wild nature, or in schools, parks, stadiums and football fields when in populated area, sometimes in official camping sites. Also a possibility exists to order the accommodation individually in farmer's house or motel (for the additional price). Every morning during a map-meeting the maps with a marked day's route are distributed as well as the day's program explained. From sleeping to sleeping place you can travel individually or in small groups. When according the program some event is planned we cycle in one group wearing T-shirts and other ride simbolics. The car of organizers follows during the whole ride. In case of emergency you can call the driver.
The roads we choose planning the route are recommended by local cyclists. The longer part of the route goes on paved asphalt roads with low volume of traffic or cycling paths where available; sometimes off-roads are recommended trying to avoid busy roads or you can choose the different options. Of course, the quality of cycling conditions in Germany and in the East European countries are quite different.
BaltiCCycle is not a commercial tour, all organizers are volunteers, and the registration fee collected goes just for covering organizational expenses. The experience of last year tour showed the following distribution of average expenses: 42% for sleeping places, 25% for support car, 20% for preparing the tour and service on the road, the rest 13% - for T-shirts, flags, advertising and other.
Every year the route is different therefore you should not expect all details of the tour to be worked out in advance. Joining the BaltiCCycle you become a part of the team. Your assistance in organizing daily program and solving all difficulties is highly appreciated.
The BaltiCCycle tour is a small adventure. May be you are not a person who enjoys adventure and you feel a big discomfort without a hot shower in the morning. Then this kind of travel is not for you. Nevertheless, many people every summer return back to the BaltiCCycle to refill nice feelings of freedom and enjoy warm atmosphere in the group.
Arrival / Departure. You can start and finish the ride at any point of the route. The exact sleeping places will be fixed later. It will be possible during the whole period to contact the ride organizers by mobile phone or email. Leaving from the intermediate points of the route should be not a problem: the public transport connecting villages with big cities is available in all countries on the route. Organizers can assist with the bike transportation to different points of the route if the sufficient number of participants will sign for this service.
Visas. If you need visa to enter EU or Turkey, the organisers can provide you with a Letter of Recommendation when all registration formalities are fulfilled.
Ferries. It is recommended to order the tickets for ferries which are listed in the Registration Form. We have to make reservation in advance. Otherwise because of high season you risk to stay overboard.
Catery. The participants usually carry gas stoves and cook themselves in the campsite. Organizers provide information regarding supermarkets as well as coffee-bars and restaurants on the route.
Children until 18. Children can take part in the ride only together with parents (one or both) or another adult who is authorized by notary to take care and is fully responsible for the juvenile.
Necessary equipment and documents:
Children until 18. Children can take part in the ride only together with parents (one or both) or another adult who is authorized by notary to take care and is fully responsible for the juvenile.
Luggage transport. One of the ride goals is to assist in developing skills of independent traveler. Therefore we strongly recommend carrying all necessary personal stuff in the panniers of your bike. The service of luggage transportation is limited to one bag of 20 kg/person which is included in the registration fee. If you plan to transport more weight in the support bus you have to indicate when registering and pay in advance. DUE TO THE LIMITED SPACE IN THE BUS THE LAST MINUTE APPLICATIONS CAN BE NOT ACCEPTED.
Registration fee. There still exists a big gap between financial potency of "West" and "East" travelers, and therefore we still are making discount for the citizens of East European countries. Without this support from westerners many participants from the "East" could not take part in the tour. The basic price of the registration fee per diem is fixed to 12€ (8€) in less expensive countries and to 15€ (10€) where we have to pay more (in the Registration Form marked as 1). We believe that this discount helps to bring east and west together.
To promote the long-term travels the registration fee per diem after 30 days of travel is decreased to 8€ (6€). The registration fee will not be required from the local cyclists who are invited to support the ride and will cycle just 1 day. The organizers will appreciate if 1-day participants will purchase a package with ride symbolics (T-shirts, flag and sticker, all for 10 €).
You have to indicate the number of days you plan to travel in the table of the Registration Form, and your registration fee for the whole tour will be counted automatically. To organize the whole event with fewer troubles we ask everybody who has intention to take part in the tour to fill the registration form as soon as possible.
The registration fee includes:
sleeping place for a tent under simple camp-conditions (outdoor toilet, drinking water, waste-baskets) in camp-site at the river or lake, sometimes under a roof in sport hall of gymnasium, stadium, church or other place; also some places the reservation is made in fully equipped official campsites;
- car following the group with first-aid and basic bicycle repair instruments; possibility to call the car in case of emergency;
- transportation of 20 kg;
black copy of maps in scale M 1:200000 or M 1:100000 with the marked route; list of recommended sights as well as a short description; if you prefer colour high-resolution maps please bring your own;
T-shirts (for more than 15-day participants) , flag and sticker with BC 2006 ride symbolics;
daily consultation regarding the route, cultural program, cattery, alternative sleeping place in country tourist houses and other;
cozy surprises prepared by organizers or local authorities.
Discounts. 10% discount is available for members of national cyclists’ association /which is a member of the European Cyclists' Federation/ confirmed by a valid membership card. Also 10% discount is applied for retired persons. 15% discount is available for students and school children. 20% discount will be applied for the experienced long travel participants who cycled more than 30 days in one of the previous GMPR or BaltiCCycle tours. Participants who obtain potential sponsors will receive privilege discount. Different discounts can not be summed up: you have to choose the single one. After 30 days of cycling the participation fee is reduced significantly, and after that no other discounts are applicable.
Additional paid service (optional)
booked by registration;
- transportation of personal luggage (one bag up to 20 kg – 1 Euro/day);
booked during the ride:
- fuel for cooking stoves (local price);
- bicycle spare parts (bike shop price);
- possibility to use transport of organizers for arrival/departure to/from the ride in the radius of 50 km (4 Euro/10 km).
Resignation rules. Resigning from the tour the participant receives his money back in a way defined in "Rules and Treaty for Participation and Responsibility."
- GMPR Lithuanian Fund, Lithuanian Cyclists’ Community,
- Polish Travelers’ Association “CROTOS”.
- Latvian Cyclists' Information Center
Sponsors. Sponsors are more then welcome. The participants who can organize a valuable sponsorship will receive privilege discounts.
Additional information. For additional information please contact organizers by email or mobile phone +37068659375.