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Helsinki, Finland 7 June 2004 (2004)
John Dennis Clark 111

Just entering Helsinki, Finland... in rain of course...we have lost our
driver and have stopped for lunch at the home of Joachim Lent, German by
origin but has lived in Finland the past 10 years. He has been a tremendous
help with translation and direction. Luckily we went through 72 hours of
sunshine before again returning to the wet stuff. The riding pace has slowed
a little to under 100 km a day.

Each evening we have to find a new camping place as we have free camped our
way through the country. Some nights we have really beautiful place and then
the next night we spend the evening feeding mosquitoes. To get the better
places we have to get permission from land owners, a feat at which we have
always been successful. The last place we rewarded our host by moving a
small mountain of fire wood into the owners wood shed. An exercise taking 13
people two hours. By the time we left the couple had fallen in love with us.
And the man's expression indicated that he would greatly want to join us on
the continuation of our tour.

We have ridden a little over 2200 km from North Cape.

In the next few hours we make our way to the center of Helsinki.
